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作者:蔡东俊 人气:300036 日期:2025-02-13 08:13:16


2、数量:    一台(套)  
4.1  设备供货范围:真空钎焊炉  一台(套)。  
4.2  伴随服务要求:卖方在按上述供货范围提供设备的同时,提供与之相应的伴随服务,包括:技术资料、安装、调试、现场试运行、真空钎焊技术支持、工艺培训、真空炉操作人员维修人员、真空钎焊品管培训等。  
5.1 设备结构设计先进合理,能够满足用户为完成上述用途的使用要求。设备具备国际先进水平的可靠的全自动化控制、监控、跟踪及自诊断等功能。其配套产品和功能元器件具有国际先进水平,能够适应长期、稳定、安全、可靠的生产需求。设备的节能效果好。使用、操作、维修方便简捷,造型美观,安全可靠,售后服务优良。  
5.2 设备的设计、制造应符合相应的国家及行业标准和规范。  
5.3 设备所有零部件和各种仪表的计量单位应全部采用国际单位(SI)标准。  
6.4.2 回充气体纯度:对一般零件要求达到99.99%。建议采用高纯氩气或氮气。  
6.7.3控制系统采用IEC标准,精选进口电气元件及测量元件,操作简单、直观。包括:整体控制柜 1套(内含:按钮、指示灯、报警器,自动空气开关、交流接触器,可编程控制器(日本欧姆龙CPM2A),直流电源及相关的操作盘、连接电缆等)控制柜与设备间连接电线、电缆、电缆桥架等。控制柜上设有设备模拟屏及操作按钮,指示灯等元器件,可实现气动系统,真空系统、加热系统等的控制,达到比较完善的保护、报警功能。电气控制系统控制灵敏,运行可靠,检修方便。  
6.7.6 主要电器元件如接触器、热保护开关等均为进口或合资产品。  
6.8 炉外运输车采用液压叉车。  
7.2工作区:          900(L)×600(W)×600(H)mm  
7.3装料量:          500Kg/炉次(含卡具)  
7.4最高温度:       1320℃。  
7.5极限真空度:      6×10--4Pa(空炉、冷态、经净化)  
7.6压升率:        <0.2Pa/h  
7.7温度均匀性:      ≤±3℃  
7.8控温精度:      ≤±1℃  
7.9装料方式:       液压叉车  
7.10加热功率:       150KW  
7.11空载升温时间:   由室温升至1320℃≤30分钟  
7.12 最大冷却压力:  2bar  
8.2.1 H-150滑阀泵  
8.2.2 ZJP-800罗茨泵  
8.2.3  KT-1000扩散泵  
8.2.4 波纹管及管路  
8.3.2保温层 (软、硬碳毡)  
8.8 液压叉车  
8.9.1温控仪  FP23        
8.9.2可编程控制器  CPM2A  
8.9.3数字复合真空计   ZDF-Ⅲ    
8.9.4记录仪        AX-104  
10.1设备总装机容量: 225KVA   
将邀请买方派遣机、电、仪、工艺、维修、专业设计工程师到制造厂参加项目的技术交底和审查 ,以解决买方工厂设计中所提出的问题,并对招投标双方进行设计所需的互提技术资料、设计界线、采用的技术规程和技术标准、卖提供的图纸、资料进行讨论 和最终确认。  
11-2 技术服务及培训  
11.2.1将派遣合格的服务人员进行安装培训,安装检查,并负责所供的真空钎焊炉和中控系统 设备的调试和开机服务。在质保期内发生设备故障时,卖方将提供无偿的技术服 务。  
11.2.3     买方要配合卖方现场服务人员的工作,并在生活、交通和通讯上提供便利。  
11.2.4     培训   为使真空炉空压机设备及控制系统能正常安装和运行, 我方将免费提供相应的技术培训,使受训者能熟练操作真空炉及其控制系统,并掌握使设备达到良好运行状态和解决处理常规故障的技术。 在设备安装前,买方可派遣工程师到卖方接受为期三天的真空钎焊炉原理、安装、 操 作、 维修和保养培 训。在现场调试结 束 后,卖方工程师在现场再对买方操作人员进行三天的操作和维护培训。培训的时间、地点、人数和内容可由双方另行商定。  
11-3  售后服务承诺  
11.3.2在设备调试和验收期间,由于卖方的责任造成的设备或备件的损坏由卖方免费维修或更换。 11.3.3 设备正常运行后一年内,设备因为卖方的原因发生质量问题 时,卖方将无偿负责解决。  
11.3.4 卖方保证长期 优惠供应备品备件,并协助买方解决设备出现的各种技术问题,买方将把设备的运行情况通报卖方。  
11.3.5 当卖方对所提供系统设备有技术改进或更新时,应及时将有关信息通报买方。  
11.3.6 质量 保证期为设备装船日起18个月或调试验收合格日起12个月,先到为准。  
11.3.7如果设备发生问题 ,卖方在保修期内在2小时作出响应,在 2-8小时内派人到现场进行修 理 ,并免费提供修理所需配件 ;在保修期外将在 2-8小时内为甲方提供咨询意见。保修期后提供设备的终身有偿技术服务.  
13、设备报价   万元   
14   交付技术资料内容和日期  
序 号 名 称  
1真空钎焊炉外形尺寸图(含管口连接位置和直 径)  
2安 装 建 议 图(含布置要求、相关建议 等 )  
 所有技术图纸采用国际标准单位。随机提供真空铝钎焊试验炉  操 作 手 册 、以及相关图纸2 份。 
15-1   性 能 保 证  
15-2   质 量 保 证  
我公司执行严格的质量标准和管理体系, 通过ISO9000 和 ISO14000 质量认证。  
15-3  工厂验收  
15.3.1工厂检验是质量控制的一个重要组成部分。卖方严格进行厂内各生产环节的检验和试验, 并提供设备的合格证。  
15-4       性能验收试验  
15.4.2性能验收试验的目的是为了检验卖方所提供的真空炉设备的性能是否符合技术规范的要求。  15.4.3真空钎焊炉除了在制造厂进行性能试验外,买方有权对真空钎焊炉在安装现场进行性能验收试验。买方在安装结束后应提前一周通知卖方到现场进行调试验收。  
15.4.4 性能验收试验在正常运行24小时,顺利通过系统测试后立即实施直至完成。  
15.4.5 性能验收试验的内容由买方根据合同技术文件和有关测试标准的进行确定。  
15.4.6 投标 方将提供必要的技术和人员配合。  
15.4.7 参与现场性能验收试验的卖方人员的费用由卖方承担。  
序  号名    称数   量  
真空钎焊炉电气控制系统由温控仪、可编程序控制器、可控硅调压器、质量流量计、真空计及工控机等组成,以实现供电、控制、记录、监视、报警保护功能。仪表精度温控仪采用智能化仪表,日本导电公司产品FP23,控温精度不低于±1℃,独立显示。FP23(包括两通道输入时共同)具有20 组曲线,每组20 段,亦可一组最大400 段曲线,每段最长时间99 分59 秒或99 小时59 分,可链接或重复。双排大LED 五位显示,显示分辨率0.1,(千度以上也带小数点)。PV 值的伺服起动功能:第一段程序跳到实际炉温点开始执行,而不是等待程序起始的设定值,有效地节约了能源和时间。  
热电偶:采用K 型热电偶。  
元器件简介控制系统元器件考虑到使用寿命及可靠性,选用高可靠性、高精度的元器件。包括:OMRON、SIEMENS、SHIMEDEN、Merlin Gerin 等器件。  
    真空钎焊的主要工作过程: 先将装配好的产品零部件放进真空室, 开动机械真空泵, 待真空系统达到一定真空度后, 罗茨泵然后在接通扩散泵, 将真空室抽至所要求的真空度后开始按要求升温加热在整个加热过程中应使真空系统持续抽气, 以维持所要求的真空度。真空钎焊加热速度不应太快, 以免真空度急剧下降。真空钎焊加热过程完成后, 进行强制冷却, 当真空钎焊炉内温度降至出炉温度80℃时出炉, 完成产品的真空钎焊工作。   
真空计用于显示真空压力,并自动控制加热开始真空压力。复合真空计配有耐高压金属硅管ZJ-52T 型电阻规,可以对真空压力进行测量。选配输出的2 路开关量信号,供PLC 采集后完成对泵、阀等自动控制和安全连锁保护的控制。控制压力通过前面版的按键设定。操作人员必须已阅读真空计的说明书。在开始进行任何步骤或操作前,请完整阅读每一章并确信已理解每一章及相关章的信息。如仍存在问题请联络系统提供商。  
自动工作时,PLC 监控设备的运行状态,自动控制设备的动作,禁止手动干预,当发生自动故障时,用户根据故障的情况可以按急停停止或切换成手动模式停止。此功能关系到工件的工艺问题,现场会根据用户的需要更改,可能取消该模式。  
1 检查冷却循环水各路是否畅通,水压应保持在0.3MPa 以上。  
2 备用水源可工作。  
3 气动气源压力0.6MPa 以上。  
4 旋片泵泵油液位正常,不缺油。  
5 设备无各项报警。  
6 炉门已锁紧。  
压力控制参数在ZDR-I 真空计和电接点压力表上设定。控制类的压力参数目的是保障人身和设备的安全与自动控制程序的正常运行。  
此参数为ZDF-II 真空计设置的参数。此参数可根据使用时的具体要求做适当调整。此参数出厂时已经设置完毕。如果此参数被更改得过大,请注意炉内气体的含氧量,否则可能使加工的工件不合格!  
为了保正冷却循环水能够正常流通以有效的冷却各配套设备,要保持冷却水有一定的压力。正常工作时应保持水压在0.15MPa 以上。当水压过低时会发生水压报警。在水压过低现象发生的同时,“水压报警”指示灯点亮,在之后的若干秒内,如果水压没有恢复正常,声光报警器动作,安全保护系统会自动停止加热和扩散泵以及其他的相关配套设备。在排除故障后,按“警报解除”按钮解除警报,即可恢复正常工作。关于水压报警的详细说明及注意事项请参见-报警指示-水压报警-。此参数出厂时已经设置完毕。如果更改参数,将会对设备永久性伤害!  
真空钎焊炉温度控制参数均为FP23 控制器的设定参数,温度参数对自动程序的运行、安全保护系统的正常工作起着重要的作用。  
此参数为FP23 控制器的设定此参数为FP23 控制器的设定参数。此参数即设备的最高温度,如果设备内部温度达到并超出此设定温度时,发生超温报警。关于超温报警的详细内容,详见-超温报警。此参数出厂时已经设置完毕。如果更改参数,可能永久性损毁设备!  
此参数为设备的重要参数,均温区温度均匀性指在工作温区内,即900X600X600 的均温区内,在900℃时保持内部温差小于 ±3℃。如果FP23 控制器的PID 参数被修改,可能造成温度均匀性参数超出正常值。  
加热的工艺曲线在主控仪表上,即FP23 控制器上输入。用户只需按照说明书输入曲线,建议不要更改PID 参数,不能更改继电器输出参数!  
1. 真空压力低于大气压。  
1. 风机不能频繁启停。  
2. 未发生风机过载报警。  
1. 炉门可靠关闭  
2. 主抽处于关闭状态  
3. 未发生超压报警  
1. 炉内不能为高于大气压力  
2. 氨气充气阀要处于关闭状态  
3. 不能在加热状态下  
1. 压力低于设定的加热开始压力  
2. 炉门关闭。  
1. 加热停止  
2. 充气、补气、分压停止  
1. 充气、补气、分压停止  
2. 加热停止  
3. 风机停止  
4. 炉门不能打开  
1. 加热停止  
2. 抽空阀关闭  
3. 旋片泵停止  
4. 风机停止  
1. 气动阀门禁止动作  
2. 加热停止  
1. 靠电动机传动的真空机组停止  
2. 风机停止  
设备使用三相380V 电源,维修使用应符合电气安全规范和本说明的要求。  
充气压力高于0.1MPa 时禁止以任何方式松动炉门锁紧圈。使用压力容器时应符合当地的压力容器使用规定。  
为了保持设备内部器件不被氧化,在每次使用设备后,要对炉体内进行抽真  空处理,保持设备内部的真空压力,有利于设备以后的工作。  
9.7 设备的例行检查  
1 检查绝缘,不与炉体导通。  
2 炉内清理,保持真空炉清洁,如果发现炉内较脏,应该每月或每  星期清理一次。  
3 到位信号检查,检查安全阀下面的球阀、真空管路上的蝶阀、炉门气缸的行程开关是否仍然可靠。  
4 电接点压力表触点检查,电工检查所有压力表的上下限触点均可靠有效,并把设置值恢复成原值。  
5 设备密封圈定期检查,如发现破损或压缩量不足,更换新品。  
6 安全阀外观检查,包括炉体安全阀及储罐安全阀,所有安全阀必  
7 冷却循环水管道定期检查,无阻塞,备用水可随时投入运行。  
8 设备长期不使用时,须将设备抽空放置。   
设备在测试完成后,为用户制作了硬盘镜像,并安装了一键Ghost 程序,用于客户方软件出现故障(例如感染计算机病毒)时使用,镜像制作工具为Symantec Ghost。 
1. 操作系统:Windows XP Service Pack 2 
2. 驱动程序: 
a) Intel Chipset INF 
b) Intel 845 Video Driver 
c) Realtek AC97 Sound Driver 
d) Intel Pro100 Network Driver 
3. 上位机组态软件:KingView 6.52 
4. 上位机监控程序:VTD-223   
5. 用户可选软件: 
a) Adobe Reader 9 
b) Office 2003 Service Pack 3 
用户使用工控机,当发生软件故障时,使用Symantec Ghost 和做 
好的.GHO 镜像文件恢复硬盘,即可正常使用。 
Page 32 of 38 
一键Ghost 恢复程序使用方法 
Symantec Ghost 的使用方法咨询Symantec 公司或软件销售商。 
方法一:WINDOWS 下运行(Windows XP;Windows Vista 通用) 
根据不同情况(C 盘映像是否存在)会自动定位到不同的选项: 
方法二:开机菜单运行(Windows 系统通用) 
1、Windows 启动菜单: 
2、GRUB4DOS 菜单: 
3、MS-DOS 一级菜单: 
4、MS-DOS 二级菜单: 
根据不同情况(C 盘映像是否存在)会从主窗口自动进入不同的警告窗: 
当随机安装的一键Ghost 程序不能恢复系统时,使用Symantec 
Ghost 以及出厂时生成的GHO备份文件恢复系统,详情咨询Symantec 
1. 出厂后,GHO 备份文件用户应妥善保存(采用其它可靠保存方 
2. 使用“一键Ghost”程序时,慎用“备份”功能; 
3. 用户可自行下载更新“一键Ghost”,版本应高于出厂附带版本; 
4. Symantec Ghost 软件用户可从软件经销商处获得; 
5. 不建议用户升级操作系统。 
技术支持 : 

联系人: 蔡东俊
E-mail: jsyzcdj@126.com

新加坡联系地址:10 Anson Road #05-17
联系人: Feng Guo An
联系电话:+65-6756 3629
手机:+0065-6756 3629
传 真: +0065-6754 8382

德国联系地址: Ringenkuhler Straße 26
34298 Helsa
联系电话: 004956049180277
手机: 004956049180277
传 真: 004956049180278


Vacuum Brazing Furnace
1. Quantity: 1 set
2. Usage: The equipment is mainly used in the automotive, aircraft, ships, compressors, air separation equipment, carbide, diamond, household appliances, oil coolers and other heat exchangers and a variety of antennas, Vacuum brazing of communication components.
3. The scope of supply:
3.1 Equipment Scope: Vacuum brazing furnace (set).             
3.2 Service requirements: The seller in accordance with the scope of supply of equipment provided at the same time, to provide the corresponding accompanying services, including: technical information, installation, commissioning, on-site commissioning, vacuum brazing technical support, process training, vacuum furnace operation Personnel maintenance personnel, vacuum brazing quality control training.
4. The basic characteristics:
4.1 The equipment structure design advanced reasonable, can satisfy the user to complete above use request. Equipped with the international advanced level of reliable automatic control, monitoring, tracking and self-diagnosis functions. Its supporting products and functional components with the international advanced level, able to adapt to long-term, stable, safe and reliable production needs. The energy saving effect of the equipment is good. Use, operation, maintenance convenient and simple,  beautiful shape, safe and reliable, good after-sales service.  
4.2 Equipment design, manufacturing should be consistent with the corresponding national and industry standards and norms.
4.3 Equipment All parts and various instruments of the unit of measurement should be used in international units (SI) standards.
5. The main structure of the vacuum brazing furnace:
Vacuum furnace host is the horizontal, single room. It consists of vacuum furnace, front and rear furnace cover, heating room, vacuum system, inflatable system, pneumatic system, water cooling system, electrical control system and so on.
● The furnace body is a double-layer cylinder structure, sandwich within the access to cooling water;
Heating system, including soft and hard carbon felt composite insulation layer, high temperature molybdenum heater and material stage.
● Vacuum system according to the requirements of the ultimate vacuum with three pumps;
● cooling water circulation system;
Pneumatic system for the equipment of the various pneumatic valves to provide work motivation;
●The control system can carry out accurate and reliable control to the components through the programmable logic controller.
● The furnace is equipped with hydraulic forklift truck.
Composition and characteristics of equipment
5.1 Vacuum brazing furnace body, furnace cover and operating mechanism:
Vacuum brazing furnace body, furnace cover is designed according to the standard of vacuum vessel, adopt double-layer cylinder structure, sandwich into the cooling water, inlet and drainage design to avoid the temperature dead zone. The furnace body has a vacuum system, temperature measurement system, heating power supply current bus and other interfaces.
5.2 Heating system:
Vacuum brazing furnace heating chamber for the stainless steel composition of the rectangular frame structure, the bottom of the six wheels can be along the furnace body horizontal movement, easy to maintain the heating room. Insulation screen soft, hard carbon felt composite structure, good insulation effect, low heat loss. Heating element using high temperature molybdenum belt, heating evenly, heat loss is small. The introduction of heating electrode for the specially designed copper water-cooled electrode, the water-cooled electrode design not only guarantees the good sealing and insulation with the furnace body, but also has good contact with the introduction of the power connection line, disassembly is convenient, the cooling device in the electrode can reduce the temperature of the conductive joint and prevent the burning of the vacuum sealing material, thus affecting the vacuum in the furnace. The furnace inner material frame consists of high-strength graphite components and ceramic insulating parts.
5.3 Vacuum system:
The vacuum brazing furnace consists of the following vacuum system, including H-150 slide valve pump, ZJP-800 Roots pump, KT-1000 diffusion pump. Also includes high vacuum baffle valve, vacuum pipe, vacuum gauge tube, pressure gauge and digital composite vacuum gauge.
5.4 Inflatable system:
By the pneumatic cut-off valve, manual closing valve, solenoid valve, gas pipeline and other components.
5.4.1 The heating process needs to increase the furnace pressure, the use of fine-tuning valve on the furnace pressure to adjust and control.
5.4.2 Charge back gas purity: 99.99% for general parts. It is recommended to use high purity argon or nitrogen.
5.5 Pneumatic system: For each pneumatic valve power supply work. The use of imported oil mist, pipe joints, reversing valve and pipeline accessories.
5.6 Water cooling system: by the open cooling water distribution device, through its connecting pipe and accessories and equipment corresponding to the pipe joints connected to form a complete set of equipment, water cooling system. Water diversion device with inlet pipe, valve and electrical contact pressure gauge. The electrical contact pressure gauge and the control part consist of the water supply undervoltage interlock protection system.
5.7 Electrical control systems:
Able to achieve instrument control and computer monitoring and can output process data.
5.7.1 Temperature control system using PID mediation, high precision temperature control. Recorded with paperless recorder, accuracy of 0.2.
5.7.2 Thermocouple (S type) is a dual-core thermocouple with one core for temperature control and the other for recording and overtemperature alarms.
5.7.3 control system adopts IEC standard, select imported electrical components and measuring elements, simple and intuitive operation. Including: the overall control cabinet 1 set (including: buttons, lights, alarm, automatic air switch, AC contactor, programmable controller (Japan Omron CPM2A), DC power supply and related operation panel, connecting cable, etc.)The control cabinet is equipped with equipment simulation screen and operation button, indicator light and other components, can achieve pneumatic system, vacuum system, heating system control, to achieve a more complete protection, alarm function. Electrical control system control sensitive, reliable operation, easy maintenance.
5.7.4 Vacuum measuring instruments ZDF-Ⅲ digital vacuum gauge (Chengdu Zhenghua Vacuum Instrument Company) measuring range from the atmosphere to 10-7Pa, there are four set point relay, for the automatic control of the work process, with Record the output interface, easy to record the vacuum.
5.7.5 Heating power supply using SCR power, heating using low voltage high current form.
5.7.6 Major electrical components such as contactors, thermal protection switches, etc. are imported or joint venture products.
5.8. The external truck adopts hydraulic forklift truck.
6. The main technical indicators of equipment
6.1 Furnace: single room, horizontal
6.2 Working area: 900 (L) × 600 (W) × 600 (H) mm
6.3 Loading: 500Kg / furnace (including fixture)
6.4 Maximum temperature: 1320 ℃.
6.5 ultimate vacuum: 6 × 10 - 4Pa (empty furnace, cold, purified)
6.6 Pressure rise rate: <0.2Pa / h
6.7 Temperature uniformity: ≤ ± 3 ℃
6.8 Temperature control accuracy: ≤ ± 1 ℃
6.9 Loading method: hydraulic forklift
6.10 Heating power: 150KW
6.11 No-load heating time: from room temperature rose to 1320 ℃ ≤ 30 minutes
6.12 Maximum cooling pressure: 2 bar
7. The main equipment configuration
7.1 Furnace shell(double water cooled sleeve structure)
7.2 Vacuum system
7.2.1 H-150 slide valve pump
7.2.2 ZJP-800 Roots Pumps
7.2.3 KT-1000 Diffusion Pump
7.2.4 Bellows and piping
7.3 Heating room
7.3.1 Heating chamber shell (stainless steel)
7.3.2 Thermal insulation (soft and hard carbon felt)
7.3.3 Heater (high temperature molybdenum tape)
7.3.4 Temperature measuring element (S even)
7.3.5 Water-cooled electrode
7.3.6 Ceramic parts
7.4 Automatic inflatable and partial pressure system
7.5 Cooling water system
7.6 air handling system
7.7 heating power 150KVA
7.8 hydraulic forklift
7.9 control system
7.9.1 temperature controller FP23
7.9.2 Programmable controller CPM2A
7.9.3 Digital composite vacuum gauge ZDF-Ⅲ
7.9.4 Recorder AX-104
7.9.5 control cabinet
7.9.6 Other electrical components and cables
8. Provide information
8.1. Layout drawing of outline dimension;
8.2 Foundation conditions and dynamic conditions map;
8.3 General drawings of equipment;
8.4 Schematic and wiring diagram of electronic control system;
8.5 equipment maintenance manual;
8.6 Main supporting product instruction manual and certificate;
8.7 Gas Road and waterway schematic diagram;
8.8 Easily damaged parts drawings;
8.9 Standard parts list;
8.10 Necessary Maintenance sketch.
9. Equipment installation operating conditions
9.1 Total installed capacity of equipment: 225KVA
9.2 Lifting equipment: 5 tons
9.3 Water source:
9.3.1 Flow: 6M3 / h
9.3.2 Water pressure: 0.2-0.4Mpa
9.3.3 Water temperature: ≤35 ℃
9.4 Gas source:
9.4.1 Flow: 3L / s
9.4.2 Pressure: 0.4Mpa
9.5 Personnel status:
9.5.1 Installation workers 1-2;
9.5.2 Electrical Engineer 1 person;
10. Technical Services and training
10.1 Dispatch qualified service personnel to carry out installation training, installation and inspection, and is responsible for the supply of vacuum brazing furnace and the central control system equipment debugging and boot services. During the warranty period, the seller will provide free technical service.
10.1.1 Will be sent to comply with the rules and regulations, have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, familiar with the equipment, have experienced and healthy personnel to the buyer on-site service.
10.1.2 The buyer shall cooperate with the seller's on-site service and provide convenience in life, transportation and communication.
10.1.3 Training
10.1.4 In order to allow the vacuum furnace equipment and control system to be installed and operated normally, we will provide the appropriate technical training free of charge so that the trainees can master the vacuum furnace and its control system and master the equipment to achieve good operation State and to solve the problem of handling conventional faults.
10.1.5 Before installation of the equipment, the buyer may send the engineer to the seller for a three-day vacuum brazing furnace, installation, operation, maintenance and maintenance training. After the on-site commissioning, the seller's engineer conducts three days of operation and maintenance training for the buyer's operator at the site. The time, place, number and content of the training may be agreed upon by both parties.
10.2 After-sales service commitment
10.2.1 when the equipment arrives at the scene, the buyer shall notify the seller one weeks in advance to open the box for inspection, If the seller informs the buyer not to participate in the unpacking or not to be informed by the buyer, the buyer will open the box.
10.2.2 During the commissioning and acceptance of the equipment, damage to the equipment or spare parts caused by the seller's liability is free of charge or replacement by the seller.
10.2.3 Within one year after the normal operation of the equipment, the seller will be responsible for the quality of the equipment due to the seller's quality problems.
10.2.4 The seller guarantees long-term preferential supply of spare parts and assists the buyer in resolving the technical problems arising from the equipment. The buyer will inform the seller of the operation of the equipment.
10.2.5 When the seller has technical improvements or updates to the equipment provided, the relevant information shall be promptly communicated to the buyer.
10.2.6 Quality assurance period for the equipment shipped 18 months from the date of commissioning or acceptance of the qualifying date of 12 months, first to prevail.
10.2.7 If there is a problem with the equipment, the seller will respond within 2 hours during the warranty period, repair the site within 2-8 hours, and provide the necessary spare parts for repair. During the warranty period, the seller will be in the 2-8 hours advice to the buyer. After the warranty period to provide equipment for life-long paid technical services.
10.2.8 Warranty period: one year from the date of acceptance of equipment, non-operational errors caused by equipment damage, to provide free technical services.
11. Equipment manufacturing cycle
After the contract is signed and the prepayment is credited, the four and a half months will be delivered at the supplier's site.
12. Delivery of technical information
12.1 Vacuum brazing furnace Dimensions (including nozzle connection position and diameter)
12.2 Installation proposal (including layout requirements, related recommendations, etc.)
12.3 Gas, water and electricity flow chart
12.4 List of electricity, gas and water consumption
12.5 Instrument, gas, electrical wiring diagram
12.6 Installation guide
All technical drawings are in international standard units. The vacuum aluminum brazing test furnace operation manual is provided with 2 copies of the relevant drawing.
13. Equipment performance assurance and acceptance
13.1 Performance guarantee
Meet the technical requirements in the document and the company test standards.
13.2 Quality assurance
The implementation of strict quality standards and management system, through the ISO9000 and ISO14000 quality certification.
13.3 Factory acceptance
13.3.1 Factory inspection is an important part of quality control. The seller strictly carries on the inspection and the test to each production link in the factory, and provides the certificate of the equipment.
13.3.2 The scope of inspection includes raw materials and components of the factory, parts processing, assembly, machine testing and after the factory to the buyer installation site test.
13.3.3 In the manufacturing process, the buyer reserves the right to inspect A, the buyer that the need for A check, will send a certain technical level and experience and strong sense of the technical staff to participate in equipment manufacturing and factory inspection, testing and monitoring So that the seller will cooperate fully, but this does not replace and reduce the seller's responsibility for quality.
13.4 Performance acceptance test 
13.4.1 The buyer has the right to require testing of the guarantee value of the equipment and the seller may provide the equipment with the means and methods for the buyer's reference.
13.4.2 The purpose of the acceptance test is to verify that the performance of the vacuum furnace equipment provided by the seller meets the requirements of the technical specifications.
13.4.3 Vacuum brazing furnace In addition to performing the performance test at the manufacturer, the purchaser has the right to conduct a performance acceptance test on the installation site of the vacuum brazing furnace. The seller should be notified after the end of the installation of a week to the buyer to the scene for commissioning acceptance.
13.4.4 Performance acceptance test in normal operation 24 hours, it is carried out immediately after system testing.
13.4.5 The contents of the performance acceptance test shall be determined by the buyer in accordance with the technical documents of the contract and the relevant test standards.
13.4.6 Provide the necessary technical and personnel coordination.
13.4.7 The cost of the seller's personnel participating in the field performance acceptance test shall be borne by the seller.
13.4.8 Performance Acceptance Test The results report is written by the buyer, the seller participates, and the joint signature confirms the conclusion. If the two sides have different views on the test results, the two sides resolved through consultation.
14. Spare parts list
14.1 Seal Ring 1 set
14.2 Ceramic insulation 50 pieces
14.3 Conductive rod insulation 5 sets
14.4 Vacuum Regulator ZJ-52T3  1 piece
14.5 Vacuum Regulator ZJ-273   1 piece
14.6 Automatic air switch   3 pieces
14.7 AC contactor      3 pieces
14.8 Electric contact pressure gauge   2 pieces
14.9 Random tools open wrench 1 set, digital multimeter 1 piece
Vacuum brazing furnace electrical control system components
Vacuum brazing furnace electrical control system consists of temperature controller, programmable controller, SCR regulator, mass flow meter, vacuum gauge and industrial computer and other components to achieve power supply, control, recording, monitoring, alarm protection The Instrument precision temperature controller using intelligent instruments, the Japanese conductive company products FP23, temperature control accuracy of not less than ± 1 ℃, independent display.
The FP23 (including two channel inputs) has 20 sets of curves, 20 segments for each group, and also a maximum of 400 segments, with a maximum time of 99 minutes 59 seconds or 99 hours, 59 minutes, which can be linked or repeated. Double row large led five-bit display, display resolution 0.1, (degrees above also with a decimal point). The servo start function of the PV value: The first program jumps to the actual temperature point starts to execute, rather than waits for the program to start the setting value, effectively saves the energy and the time.
Programmable Controllers
Programmable controller selected Japan Omron products, comprehensive control of the operation of equipment, according to process requirements, to provide sequential control signals, while collecting the scene of the feedback signal to provide conversion, chain, instructions and alarm signals.
Thermocouple: K type thermocouple.
Vacuum gauge
Vacuum measurement using digital vacuum gauge and supporting the regulation, from the measurement range from the atmosphere to 10-1Pa, two-point output control for the process of automatic control and recording.
Record data
Industrial computer comes with a record curve, can simultaneously record the furnace temperature, vacuum or furnace pressure. Can achieve the temperature and vacuum (pressure) of the crossed records, measuring range: according to the need to set.
Touch screen
The touch screen can display the operating status of the device in real time. With over-temperature, water safety protection, and sound and light alarm system, the furnace should be a safety valve device, with air pressure, vacuum, water pressure, heating interlock circuit.
Components brand
Components Introduction Control system components taking into account the life and reliability, the choice of high reliability, high precision components. Including: OMRON, SIEMENS, SHIMEDEN, Merlin Gerin etc.
Vacuum brazing furnace working process
Vacuum brazing the main work process: the first assembly of the product parts into the vacuum chamber, start the mechanical vacuum pump, vacuum system to a certain degree of vacuum, the Roots pump and then turn on the diffusion pump, the vacuum chamber is pumped to the required vacuum degree and began to heat up as required. The vacuum system should be continuously evacuated throughout the heating process to maintain the required vacuum. Vacuum brazing heating speed should not be too fast, so as to avoid a sharp decline in vacuum. Vacuum brazing heating process is completed, the forced cooling, when the vacuum brazing furnace temperature dropped to the temperature of 80 ℃ baked out, complete the product of the vacuum brazing work.
Vacuum gauge
The vacuum gauge is used to display the vacuum pressure and is automatically controlled. Composite vacuum gauge with high-pressure metal tube ZJ-52T resistance gauge, vacuum pressure can be measured. Matching the output of the 2-way switch signal for the PLC to complete the completion of the pump, valves and other automatic control and security control of the chain. The control pressure is set by pressing the front panel. The operator must have read the instructions for the vacuum gauge. Before proceeding with any steps or operations, please read each chapter thoroughly and make sure that you have understood the information for each chapter and related chapter. If there are still problems, please contact the system provider.
Digital current, voltmeter
Digital ammeter can be re-calibrated, the method see the instructions.
The operator must have read the instructions of the instrument. Before proceeding with any steps or operations, please read each chapter thoroughly and make sure that you have understood the information for each chapter and related chapter. If there are still problems, please contact the system provider.
The function of the cabinet panel
Start and stop of the device
After the device's main power (air switch on the control cabinet) is turned on, the device is in the stop (standby) state, and the "stop" button's red light is on. When the "Control Power" button is pressed, the device is activated and the green light on the "Control Power" button lights up and the device enters the working state.
Power indicator
The cabinet control panel is equipped with three-phase power indicator. After the control power is turned on, if the phase of the phase is phase loss, the "phase failure alarm" indicator will be on and the sound and light alarm will be alarmed. Do not perform any operation. If the equipment is heating, stop heating and turn off the vacuum (Whether it is manual or automatic, the safety system will automatically shut down the vacuum unit, then need to confirm whether the vacuum unit has been reliably closed!), Check and repair the power cord and press the "alarm release" button to lift the alarm state, you can Return to normal work.
Alarm indication
The alarm screen comes with alarm window to record "overtemperature alarm", "overpressure alarm", "water pressure alarm", "air pressure alarm", "fan failure", "phase failure alarm", indication when corresponding alarm occurs Bright and accompanied by sound and light alarm. Water pressure alarm for a number of seconds delay, in the event of insufficient water pressure at the same time, "water pressure" indicator light, but not immediately sound and light alarm, when a few seconds of continuous water pressure, sound and light alarm action. If you find a "water pressure alarm" light, the sound and light alarm does not work, you should check the reasons for water pressure instability, press the "alarm release" button off the "water pressure" indicator. When the water pressure alarm occurs, and the sound and light alarm action, the security system will automatically turn off the heating power, stop the diffusion pump and turn off the main pumping valve and other water needs of the equipment, the failure of the operator to confirm the above action has been implemented
Operation mode indication If the automatic mode is selected, the "Auto mode" indicator is red.
Automatic mode of operation
When the machine is working automatically, the PLC monitors the running status of the equipment and automatically controls the operation of the device. It is forbidden to manually intervene. when an automatic failure occurs, the user according to the situation can be stopped or switched to manual mode stop. This function is related to the process of the workpiece, the scene will be based on the needs of users to change, may cancel the model.
Automatic mode of operation
When the machine is working automatically, the PLC monitors the running status of the equipment and automatically controls the operation of the device. It is forbidden to manually intervene. When an automatic fault occurs, the user can stop according to the fault or stop the manual mode. This function is related to the process of the workpiece, the scene will be based on the needs of users to change, may cancel the model.
About emergency stop
When the equipment fails, the safety protection system to respond is not enough to meet the requirements, the site operator should promptly press the "emergency stop" button, then "emergency stop" button on the light, the control system will shut down most of the equipment , The necessary equipment will still be in the running state waiting for the site operator to adjust or turn off the corresponding equipment according to the scene. After the emergency stop control part is still charged, then do not carry out maintenance work, otherwise it may cause personal injury or damage equipment
Vacuum brazing furnace for industrial control with computer instructions
This section focuses on the mode of operation, and the specific interface content may differ from your device.
Operating procedures
Site operation process has been modified according to customer requirements, with reference to field engineers training and printing
Operating procedures
1 Check the cooling cycle of water is smooth, the water pressure should be maintained at 0.3MPa or more.
2 Spare water can work.
3 Pneumatic air pressure 0.6MPa or more.
4 Rotary vane pump pump oil level normal, not lack of oil.
5 , Equ, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ipment without alarm.
6 Doors a, re locked.
7 Electrical control system parameters
7.1 Pressure parameter
The pressure control paramet, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ers are set on the ZDR-I vacuum gauge and electrical contact pressure gauge. The purpose of the control class pressure parameter is to ensure the safety of the person and the equipment and the normal operation of the automatic control program.
7.1.1. The degree of vacuum at the, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , beginning of heating
This parameter is a parameter set, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , for the ZDF-II vacuum gauge. This parameter can be adjusted according to the specific requirements of the use. This parameter has been set at the factory. If this parameter is changed too much, please pay attention to the oxygen content of the gas inside the furnace, otherwise it may make the workpiece failed!
7.1.2. The highest pressure (overpressure alarm pressure)
This parameter is the setting parameter of the electrical contact pressure gauge. The main function is to limit the maximum pressure to inflate the equipment to protect the equipment from its working pressure. This parameter has been set at the factory and the user is not allowed to change. For details of the overpressure alarm and precautions please refer to - Alarm Indication - Overpressure alarm.
Cooling water pressure
In order to keep the cooling circulating water can be normal circulation to effectively cool the ancillary equipment, to keep the cooling water has a certain pressure. Normal operation should be kept at a pressure of 0.15MPa or more. When the water pressure is too low, a water pressure alarm will occur.  In the water pressure is too low at the same time, "water pressure" indicator light, in the next few seconds, if the water pressure is not back to normal, sound and light alarm action, security system will automatically stop heating and diffusion pump as well as other related equipment. After troubleshooting, press the "alarm release" button to lift the alarm, you can resume normal work. For details of water pressure alarm and precautions please refer to - Alarm instructions - Water pressure alarm -. This parameter has been set at the factory. If you change the parameters, the device will be permanently damaged!
7.2. Temperature parameter
Vacuum brazing furnace temperature control parameters are FP23 controller set parameters, the temperature parameters of the automatic program operation, security protection system plays an important role in the normal work.
7.2.1. Highest temperature withstand
This parameter is the setting parameter of the FP23 controller. This parameter is the maximum temperature of the device. If the internal temperature of the equipment reaches and exceeds this set temperature, an overtemperature alarm occurs. For more information on over-temperature alarm, see - over-temperature alarm. This parameter has been set at the factory. If you change the parameters, the device may be permanently damaged!
7.2.2. Temperature uniformity of homogeneous temperature zone
This parameter is an important parameter of the equipment. The uniformity of the temperature range is within the working temperature range, that is, 900X600X600, and the internal temperature difference is less than ± 3 ℃ at 900 ℃. If the PID parameters of the FP23 controller are modified, the temperature uniformity parameter may exceed the normal value.
7.2.3. The preparation of heating curve
The heated process curve is entered on the master meter, the FP23 controller. Users only need to follow the instructions to enter the curve, it is recommended not to change the PID parameters, can not change the relay output parameters!
7. 3. Delay protection of water pressure and air pressure alarm
To prevent errors due to acquisition of signal interference alarm cause safety protection system of action, resulting in unnecessary losses, , water pressure and air pressure alarm using delay mechanism, That is, the continuous number of seconds of water pressure, pressure is insufficient, water pressure, air pressure alarm action, security system action. And when the water pressure, the air pressure alarm is due to disturbances and instantaneous occurrence and release, or water pressure, pressure due to the use of equipment load too large and short time to reduce, and then automatically recover, indicating "water pressure alarm" or "air pressure alarm" indicator light, does not occur sound and light alarm, security system does not act.
For instructions on water pressure and air pressure alarm, see - Alarm indication
8. Security system and safety chain protection system
8. 1 Brief introduction of security protection system and safety interlock system
The equipment of vacuum brazing furnace has the conditions of use. In order to protect such equipment, the control system of vacuum brazing furnace is equipped with safety chain protection system. When the equipment is used improperly, may cause the equipment or the personal injury, the security protection system is in the occurrence alarm or the illegal operation equipment, automatically protects, the maximum protection person and the equipment safety.
8.2 Equipment conditions under protection systems
8.2.1 In non-debug mode
In the debug mode, all security systems and security chain protection systems are shielded. Normal operation, prohibited from working in debug mode. For a more detailed description of the commissioning see - About Debugging.
8.2.2 All types of alarms have not occurred           
In the event of an alarm, the safety protection system will close some of the relevant ancillary equipment and prohibit operation.
8.2.3 The emergency stop button is not pressed
When the emergency stop button is pressed, the security system will shut down some related equipment and prohibit the operation.
8.2.4 Rotary vane pump
Vacuum pressure is lower than atmospheric pressure.
8.2.5 Fan
Fan can not start and stop frequently.
No fan overload alarm occurred.
8.2.6 The Inflatable valve
Reliable closure of the furnace door
The main pumping is in the closed state
No overpressure alarm has occurred
8.2.7 Open the Furnace Door
In the furnace can not be higher than atmospheric pressure
Ammonia inflatable valve should be closed
Can not be in the heating state
8.2.8 Close the furnace door
General unrestricted condition
8.2.9 Heating
The pressure is below the set heating start pressure
The door is closed
8.2.10 Vacuum gauge, power supply
Open when the vacuum is pre-pumped and closed after inflatable valve is open.
8.3 Safety protection in case of alarm
The following lists the possible protection actions that the security protection system may make when all types of alarms occur. The content is for reference only.
8.3.1 Overtemperature alarm
When the furnace temperature is higher than the set over-temperature alarm temperature, over-temperature alarm occurs.
When the overtemperature alarm occurs:
‚ Air inflation, air filling and partial pressure stop
8.3.2 Overpressure alarm
If the internal pressure of the furnace is higher than 2MPa, overpressure alarm occurs
When an overpressure alarm occurs:
 Air inflation, air filling and partial pressure stop
‚ Heating stop
ƒ Fan stop
④ The furnace door can not be opened
8.3.3 Water pressure alarm
When the water pressure in a few seconds are lower than the set of water pressure alarm pressure, the occurrence of water pressure alarm.
When the water pressure alarm occurs:
 Heating stop
‚ Evacuation valve is closed
ƒ Rotary vane stop
Fan stop
8.3.4 Air pressure alarm
A pressure alarm occurs when the power source is lower than the set pressure in seconds.  
When the air pressure alarm occurs:
Pneumatic valve prohibited action
‚Heating stop
8.3.5 Lack of phase alarm
When the control cabinet three-phase power out of phase, the occurrence of phase failure alarm. When a phase loss alarm occurs:
 The vacuum unit by motor drive stop
‚ The fan stop
8.3.6 Fan failure
When the fan overcurrent, lack of phase, the temperature rise is too high and other failures, the fan failure alarm. When the fan failure alarm occurs, the safety protection system will turn off the fan.
8.3.7 Vacuum pump failure
When the vacuum pump over-current, lack of equal failure, the occurrence of vacuum pump failure alarm.
When a vacuum pump failure alarm occurs, the safety protection system shuts down the failed vacuum pump.
9. Other considerations for equipment use           
9.1 Dangerous voltage
Equipment using three-phase 380V power supply, which should meet the requirements of electrical safety specification and this specification.  
9.2 Dangerous air pressure
When the inflation pressure is higher than 0.1MPa, it is forbidden to loosen the door lock ring in any way. The use of pressure vessels should be in accordance with local pressure vessel use regulations.
9.3 Clean the inflatable line
The user can choose whether to purify the inflation line.
9.4 In a non-debugged state
Debug mode is designed for electrical engineers to debug the use of special equipment maintenance mode, normal use can not work in the debug mode, the key to debug the knob to be kept by someone.
For more information on debugging, see - About Debugging
9.5 Normal water pressure and air pressure
When the device is working properly, need to have cooling circulating water and power gas source, before the operation should check the pressure value in the normal range, return water should be fluent, otherwise should check water source and gas sources, if the equipment in the absence of water or lack of air conditions, may cause damage to equipment.
9.6 Vacuum maintenance in a non-working state
In order to maintain the device internal components are not oxidized, after each use of equipment, to the furnace body vacuum treatment, to maintain the internal vacuum pressure, is conducive to the work of the device after.
9.7 Nitrogen atmosphere during gas release
When the air cooling is over, the excess nitrogen atmosphere in the furnace is to be released. If the space is small or the air is not flowing, it may cause suffocation and should be discharged outdoors or ventilated.
10. Equipment maintenance and maintenance    
10.1 Regular inspection of electrical components
Equipment components required periodic inspection, regular maintenance, parts and components to be damaged to be replaced, replace the model can refer to the replacement parts model.
Regular inspection of mechanical pump oil
Regular inspection and replacement of mechanical pump oil, including rotary vane pump, roots pump, and diffusion pump. Please refer to the operating instructions for the specific pump.
10.2 Regularly clean up the impurities in the furnace
Vacuum equipment in a long time after the use of common causes of impurities, regular cleaning of impurities in the furnace is conducive to the normal operation of equipment.
10.3 Check the electrical contact gauge regularly
The contacts of the electrical contact pressure gauge may fail due to a long time, and should check whether the contact of the electrical contact gauge is reliable every year.
10.4 Pneumatic three-part regular water release and filled with oil
When the three-piece oil cup is activated, inject oil into the oil cup. When the pneumatic three pieces of water in the cup, press the discharge valve, the water release.
10.5 Routine inspection of equipment
Every three months routine check:
1 Check the insulation, not with the furnace body conduction.
2 Clean the furnace to keep the vacuum furnace clean, if found in the furnace dirty, should be cleaned once a month or every week.
3 In place signal check, check the ball valve under the safety valve, the butterfly valve on the vacuum tube, the travel switch of the door cylinder is still reliable or not.
4 Electrical contact pressure gauge contact inspection, electrical inspection of all pressure gauge upper and lower limit contacts are reliable and effective, and set the value back to the original value.
5 Regular inspection of equipment sealing ring, such as the discovery of damaged or insufficient compression, replacement of new products.
6 Safety valve appearance inspection, including furnace safety valve and tank safety valve, all safety valve must require annual inspection.
7 Cooling circulating water pipe regularly check, no obstruction, spare water can be put into operation at any time.
8 When the equipment is not used for a long period of time, the equipment must be evacuated and placed.
9 Industrial computer hard disk mirror and recovery method
After the test is complete, the device creates a hard disk image and installs a key Ghost program for use when the client software fails (for example, infected with a computer virus), and the mirror production tool is Symantec Ghost.
Hard disk image contains content:
1. Operating system: Windows XP Service Pack 2
2. Drivers:
A) Intel Chipset INF
B) Intel 845 Video Driver
C) Realtek AC97 Sound Driver
D) Intel Pro100 Network Driver
3. Host computer configuration software: KingView 6.52
4. Host computer monitoring program: VTD-223
5. User-selectable software:
A) Adobe Reader 9
B) Office 2003 Service Pack 3
The user uses the industrial control computer, when the software failure occurs, uses symantec Ghost and completes the GHO image file restores the hard disk, can use normally.
One key Ghost recovery procedures to use
Use Symantec Ghost to consult Symantec or a software vendor.
Method 1: Run under WINDOWS (Windows XP; Windows Vista Universal)
Start -> program -> a key GHOST
According to different circumstances (C disk image exists) will automatically locate the different options:
Case 1: GHO is not present and is automatically positioned on the Backup option
Case 2: There is GHO, it is automatically positioned on the "Restore" option
Method 2: Boot menu run (Windows system common)
1. Windows Startup menu
2. GRUB4DOS menu
3. MS-DOS level menu
4. MS-DOS secondary menu
When a random installation of the Ghost program can not restore the system, use Symantec
Ghost and the GHO backup file recovery system generated at the factory, consult Symantec or the software vendor.
1. After the factory, GHO backup file users should be properly preserved (using other reliable way to save);
2. use the "one key Ghost" program, with caution "backup" function;
3. Users can download their own update "a key Ghost", the version should be higher than the factory with the version;
4. Symantec Ghost software users can obtain from the software dealer;
5. Users are not recommended to upgrade the operating system.
11. List of random documents
1 Factory quality inspection documents (including equipment certification): 1 piece
2 User manual (equipment use and maintenance manual): 2 pieces
3 Plane layout and foundation Figure: 2 pieces
4 Electrical control system schematic and wiring diagram: 2 pieces
5 SHIMADEN FP23 instrument Chinese manual: 2 pieces
6 Mass Flow Controller - User Manual : 3 pieces
7 Flow Display - User Manual: 3 pieces
8 Industrial control computer supporting CD: 2 pieces
9 Omron Inverter - User Manual: 1 piece
10 Digital composite vacuum gauge certificate and instructions: 1 piece
Dong jun vacuum brazing workshop
Person to contact: Cai Dongjun
Contact Phone: 13905275926
QQ: 649200691
SKYPE: jsyzcdj
MSN / E-mail: jsyzcdj@126.com
Vacuum Brazing Web site: http://www.brazing.com.cn

The contact address of Singapore: 10 Anson Road #05-17
Contact: Feng Guo An
Telephone number: +65-6756 3629
Mobile: +0065-6756 3629
Fax: +0065-6754 8382
E-mail: fengga@el.sg


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